Well I am still alive,,,just havent been in the mood lately for doing much,,,but that all change this past weekend,,I picked back up the needle and have been stitching ever since,,and let me tell you it feels good..now lets hope it continues..we have been doing a couple of little trips here and there and pictures will follow..the weather has been really cold the last couple of days and I am loving it,,,we went to the beach yesterday and now I know why I love living here in Florida,,,you can see green and trees anywhere but to see the beauty of the ocean and its wildlife is just breath taking..it was really windy and cold yesterday but I still loved it..I have been reading everyones blog and love looking at all the pictures from all over the world..it is my kind of escape to take..I am still reading The Roses and it is really good...The holidays are coming up fast so I will be busy baking,,I think that is my favorite part of the holidays is cooking and baking all the goodies..my mom was an awesome cook and baker,,and she made the holidays a big event every year..I made my first pie from complete scratch last week and it got eaten in record time,,and there will be more in the near future..well I hope this post finds you all keeping warm and busy,,hope you all have a blessed week...till next time...

Wind Surfers at Fernandina Beach Florida,,it was freezing and very windy..

The Seagulls were having a hard time flying with the wind,,this one was right by
our heads.

My daughter Katie and her son Max at Rogers Pumpkin Patch in Gainsville

Yeah we made it thru the Corn Maze,,I love this picture..

This one and the next are my 2 new sets of Stitch Markers in my Etsy shop..

Yeah She is Finish,,,M is for Mermaid by Prairie Schooler

My current project,,The Good Ships by Carriage House Samplings