Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I Have been Baking....
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I am Still Alive...
Saturday, September 1, 2007
What have I been up to???

From the Publisher
This magnificent novel--which secured for its author the 1955 Nobel Prize in Literature--is at last available to contemporary American readers. Although it is set in the early twentieth century, it recalls both Iceland's medieval epics and such classics as Sigrid Undset's Kristin Lavransdatter. And if Bjartur of Summerhouses, the book's protagonist, is an ordinary sheep farmer, his flinty determination to achieve independence is genuinely heroic and, at the same time, terrifying and bleakly comic.
Having spent eighteen years in humiliating servitude, Bjartur wants nothing more than to raise his flocks unbeholden to him. What ensues is a battle of wills that is by turns harsh and touching, elemental in its emotional intensity and intimate in its homely detail. Vast in scope and deeply rewarding, Independent People is a masterpiece
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Oh Happy Days,,,,
Interesting List..
The Great British Literary Census
Title Author Publisher Publishing date
God Delusion Dawkins, Richard Transworld 2006
Book Thief, The Zusak, Markus Transworld 2006
Historian, The Kostova, Elizabeth Little, Brown 2005
Labyrinth Mosse, Kate Orion 2005
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, The Haddon, Mark Random House 2004
Cloud Atlas Mitchell, David Hodder & Stoughton 2004
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Clarke, Susannah Bloomsbury 2004
Small Island Levy, Andrea Headline 2004
Time Traveler's Wife, The Niffenegger, Audrey Random House 2003
Kite Runner, The Hosseini, Khaled Bloomsbury 2003
Five People You Meet in Heaven, The Albom, Mitch Little, Brown 2003
Da Vinci Code, The Brown, Dan Transworld 2003
Short History of Nearly Everything, A Bryson, Bill Transworld 2003
Notes On A Scandal Heller, Zoe Penguin 2003
Vernon God Little Pierre, D.B.C. Faber 2003
Lovely Bones, The Sebold, Alice Macmillan 2002
Fingersmith Waters, Sarah Little, Brown 2002
Middlesex Eugenides, Jeffrey Bloomsbury 2002
If Nobody Speaks Of Remarkable Things McGregor, Jon Bloomsbury 2002
Crimson Petal and the White Faber, Michel Canongate 2002
Shadow of the Wind, The Zafon, Carlos Ruiz Orion 2001
Life of Pi Martel, Yann Canongate 2001
Atonement McEwan, Ian Random House 2001
Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoin Penguin 2001
Carter Beats The Devil Gold, Glen David Hodder & Stoughton 2001
Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier and Clay, The Chabon, Michael HarperCollins 2000
Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic, The Kinsella, Sophie Transworld 2000
Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius, A Eggers, Dave Macmillan 2000
White Teeth Smith, Zadie Penguin 2000
Blind Assassin Atwood, Margaret Little, Brown 2000
Stalingrad Beevor, Anthony Penguin 1999
Gruffalo, The Donaldson, Julia Macmillan 1999
Chocolat Harris, Joanne Transworld 1999
Disgrace Coetzee, Michael Random House 1999
Holes Sacher, Louis Bloomsbury 1998
Poisonwood Bible Kingsolver, Barbara Faber 1998
Girlfriend In A Coma Coupland, Douglas HarperCollins 1998
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Rowling, J.K. Bloomsbury 1997
Memoirs of a Geisha Golden, Arthur Random House 1997
God of Small Things, The Roy, Arundhati HarperCollins 1997
Enduring Love McEwan, Ian Random House 1997
Cold Mountain Frazier, Charles Hodder & Stoughton 1997
Instance Of The Fingerpost, An Pears, Iain Random House 1997
Bridget Jones's Diary:A Novel Fielding, Helen Macmillan 1996
Beach, The Garland, Alex Penguin 1996
Angela's Ashes:A Memoir of a Childhood McCourt, Frank HarperCollins 1996
Northern Lights:His Dark Materials S. Pullman, Philip Scholastic 1995
Notes from a Small Island Bryson, Bill Transworld 1995
High Fidelity Hornby, Nick Penguin 1995
Behind The Scenes At The Museum Atkinson, Kate Transworld 1995
Fine Balance, A Mistry, Rohinton Faber 1995
Snow Falling On Cedars Guterson, David Bloomsbury 1995
Longitude Sobel, Dava HarperCollins 1995
Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, the Murakami, Haruki Random House 1994
Suitable Boy, A Seth,Vikram Orion 1994
What A Carve Up Coe, Jonathan Penguin 1994
Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil Berendt, John Random House 1994
Birdsong Faulks, Sebastian Random House 1993
Captain Corelli's Mandolin Bernieres, Louis De Random House 1993
Trainspotting Welsh, Irvine Random House 1993
Shipping News Proulx, E. Annie HarperCollins 1993
Secret History Tartt, Donna Penguin 1992
Wild Swans Chang, Jung HarperCollins 1992
Crow Road Banks, Iain M. Little, Brown 1992
Miss Smilla's Feeling For Snow Hoeg, Peter HarperCollins 1992
All The Pretty Horses McCarthy, Cormac Macmillan 1992
Fatherland Harris, Robert Random House 1992
English Patient Ondaatje, Michael Macmillan 1992
Fever Pitch Hornby, Nick Penguin 1992
American Psycho Elllis, Bret Easton Macmillan 1991
Regeneration Barker, Pat Penguin 1991
LA Confidential Ellroy, James Random House 1990
Possession Byatt, A.S. Random House 1990
Prayer For Owen Meany, A Irving, John Transworld 1989
Pillars Of The Earth Follet, Ken Macmillan 1989
Remains Of The Day Ishiguro, Kazuo Faber 1989
Silence Of The Lambs, The Harris, Thomas Random House 1988
Alchemist, The Coelho, Paulo HarperCollins 1988
Brief History of Time, A Hawkings, Stephen Transworld 1988
Cat's Eye Atwood, Margaret Bloomsbury 1988
Norwegian Wood Murakami, Haruki Random House 1987
Bonfire Of The Vanities, The Wolfe, Tom Macmillan 1987
Knots and Crosses Rankin, Ian Orion 1987
Watchmen Moore, Alan Titan 1987
Perfume Suskind, Patrick Penguin 1985
Handmaid's Tale Atwood, Margaret Random House 1985
New York Trilogy, The Auster, Paul Faber 1985
Love In The Time Of Cholera Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Penguin 1985
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit Winterson, Jeanette Random House 1985
Hawksmoor Ackroyd, Peter Random House 1985
Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Kundera, Milan Faber 1984
Neuromancer Gibson, William HarperCollins 1984
Wasp Factory, The Iain M Banks Little, Brown 1984
Money Amis, Martin Random House 1984
Name of the Rose, The Eco, Umberto Random House 1983
Woman In Black Hill, Susan Random House 1983
Colour Of Magic Pratchett, Terry Transworld 1983
BFG, The Dahl, Roald Puffin 1982
Magician Feist, Raymond HarperCollins 1982
Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged Thirteen and Three quarters, The Townsend, Sue Penguin 1982
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
What I am reading now,,,

Well I finished Winter Solitice by Rosamunde Pilcher and loved it, I think it is my favorite book as of today...and I will be reading more of her books..But right now I am reading a historical fiction author that has been in my reading pile for a long time,,it is Jean Plaidy and the title is The Rose without a Thorn,,I will let you know how it goes...
From the pen of legendary historical novelist Jean Plaidy comes an unforgettable true story of
royalty, passion, and innocence lost.
Born into an impoverished branch of the noble Howard family, young Katherine is plucked from her home to live with her grandmother, the Duchess of Norfolk. The innocent girl quickly learns that her grandmother’s puritanism is not shared by Katherine’s free-spirited cousins, with whom she lives. Beautiful and impressionable, Katherine becomes involved in two ill-fated love affairs before her sixteenth birthday. Like her cousin Anne Boleyn, she leaves her grandmother’s home to become a lady-in-waiting at the court of Henry VIII. The royal palaces are exciting to a young girl from the country, and Katherine ?nds that her duties there allow her to be near her handsome cousin, Thomas Culpepper, whom she has loved since childhood.
But when Katherine catches the eye of the aging and unhappily married king, she is forced to abandon her plans for a life with Thomas and marry King Henry. Overwhelmed by the change in her fortunes, bewildered and flattered by the adoration of her husband, Katherine is dazzled by the royal life. But her bliss is short-lived as rumors of her wayward past come back to haunt her, and Katherine’s destiny takes another, deadly, turn.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Look what I have been up to....
This is what I have been working on this past weekend, this and reading a really good book,,I have fell in love with this pattern..I have always loved the ripple pattern but could never get my edges straight, then I found this ripple crochet along and the pattern and tried it out and now I cant stop crocheting this pattern and the good thing is I already had the yarn in my stash,,and now I am thinking of the next ripple I am going to make,,,the colors are endless,,thanks for looking and have a wonderful week...cheers
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Just a short note,,,,
I am just dropping in on a quick note,,,I am in a reading marathon and that is only natural since I do work at a bookstore..But I wanted to post what is in my reading pile so you can see and may have read some or you all could recommend a good book, I like to read anything from Biographys to history to religious to romance and anything in between..so here is my list, enjoy...
Monday, August 13, 2007
I am still here,,,
When is it going to start getting cooler around here,,,I think that is why I am not in the mood to do much,,but I have done a little of everything...I have knitted some more washcloths,,and stitched a little on my projects and sewed some totes to sell..but other then that I just dont have the motivation..we are still trying to move to Texas (Austin area)my husband has been applying for jobs like crazy,,,my daughter started her sophmore year in high school and seems to be enjoying it,,thanks goodness..hours are picking up at work again,,since everyone is back in school that is a good thing,,,well that seems to be all that is going on,,,I have included some pictures of cross stitching projects updated,,,enjoy and thanks for visiting here,,,the purple and white one is done over one on 28ct fabric and is a free french sampler I got off the internet,,the other one is a Little House Needlework one called Bookshelve,,
Friday, June 22, 2007
Totes are in the Shop,,,
Monday, June 18, 2007
I have picked back up my stitching
I have finally picked back up my stitching,,I havent stitched in almost a year..these are the projects I am working on...I love Little House Needlework designs and the quaker sampler is from a freebe on line and is done over one on 28 count fabric, also I have sewn up some more tote envelopes are'nt they pretty ones they are in my shop now...thanks for looking and let me know you have stopped by,,
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I Love these Bags,,,
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
I have been busy.....
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I am on a Roll.....
Wow is this 3 days in a row listing things in my Etsy shop total insane,,but I am loving it,,,Today I listed some really cut Beach Theme Stitch Markers,,
And I took the advise of one of my readers and redid the facecloths/soap pictures and posted them as my first picture and they are alot better stop by and check it out...And please leave a comment I would love to see who stops by,,thanks again..
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Come look in the shop,,,
I have added some more goodies in my Etsy shop,,,hope you enjoy looking and come back again as I will be adding more item...
The first item is another baby burp cloth,,,
The second one is one of by tote envelopes in a strawberry pattern,,
And the third is another one of my tote envelopes in a butterfly pattern, you can see all of these and more at my Etsy store,,