I just want to reflect on the last year. I have many things to be thankful for, my health as one. A month ago I went to the eye doctor and they found a spot on my eye, and decided to do a eye biopsy to see if it was cancer, which made it for a
stressful 2 weeks till surgery and then another week to get the results back. Well I made it
thru the surgery and the results where the best
Christmas present I received..no cancer just a sunspot on my eye..But I also have my family and they have been all healthy this year..my friends both on here and in person, I am truly thankful for you all, you take me to beautiful places I only dream of going, and show your beautiful artwork, and share with me your
life's journeys of goods and
bad, I am truly blessed to have each and everyone of you in my life. I live in a beautiful place and have a roof over my head and food in my stomach..and I thank God everyday for the little things like seeing a beautiful cardinal at my bird feeder, or hearing my 3 year old grandson laugh..2011 was a good year and I am praying that 2012 will be a better year,,I just want to wish you all a very Happy New Year and my all your dreams come true in it...sending
hugs all over the world to you..
Thanks for being there,,