Thursday, March 31, 2011
Happy Thursday...
Well I made it back on monday from my vacation,,,and althou it rained in californina I had a good time,,it was great seeing the grandbabies..sure do miss them little people..but now it is back to the grindstone,,and it seems the rained has followed me back to florida because ever since I have gotten back it has done nothing but rain,,oh well we need it here..My daughter is off to Virginia to see a friend and so I have the Max monster(2year old grandson)all to myself and he has been pretty good so far,,but I am afraid he is out growing his it seems to take alot longer for him to want to go to sleep...I sure hope that isnt the case as that is my time during the I made another wrap bracelet..and open another Etsy store this week,,just for can go here to have a look..tomarrow I am hoping to start another set of Posh Pillowcases,,I sure do like making them,,,well I hope you all are having a great week and that you may also have a fantastic weekend,,,till next time, huggs.. Devon
Monday, March 21, 2011
Hello Monday...
I hope you all had a great weekend. I sure did, visited with my kids and grandkids this past week. We went to the Renissance festival this past saturday and had a good time..Also went thrift store shopping and out for some good Mexican food..I am going to miss them alot..Now tomarrow it is on to California to see my brothers and sister and nephew and nieces..cant wait...well I hope you all have a great week and I will catch up when I land back in florida on the 29th...till them here are some pictures of my babies..
Anthony Scott...
I hope you all had a great weekend. I sure did, visited with my kids and grandkids this past week. We went to the Renissance festival this past saturday and had a good time..Also went thrift store shopping and out for some good Mexican food..I am going to miss them alot..Now tomarrow it is on to California to see my brothers and sister and nephew and nieces..cant wait...well I hope you all have a great week and I will catch up when I land back in florida on the 29th...till them here are some pictures of my babies..

Monday, March 14, 2011
I cant wait,,this time tomarrow I will be at the airport waiting to board my plane to go to Arizona to see my grandbabies and kids,,then a week later I will be on another plane to hop on over to California to see my brothers and sister and nieces and is a much needed vacation..I will be going to my favorite thrift stores and eating at my favorite mexican restaraunts..I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing week...I know I will be..
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Some more finishes...
I finished these little cuties up today and thought I would share them with you,,I also have been working on some more bracelets..well I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and my prayers and thought go to the people,animals and everyone effected by the disaster over in Japan,,

Thursday, March 10, 2011
A couple more finishes...
I cant stop,,I am either beading,sewing,crocheting,knitting or stitching...I have to be doing something..I dont watch alot of t.v..and my reading is on hold because of all the craftyness I am doing..I am the type of person that sees something I like and right away I am thinking I can make that,,and so off I go to take a whirl at it..the only craft I dont do and cant get into is scrapbooking, dont get me wrong the people that do are awesome and the products out there for scrapbooking are very cute,,but I just cant get into it,,like I need another craft,,I love making things and sharing what I make...these pillowcases are so easy to make and the choices are endless..what is special about these are there is a flap on the inside to hide the pillow..the awesome person that made up the instructions for them, went to Pottery Barn and bought a pillowcase to find out how they are made and added the crochet she says Pottery Barn has nothing on our Posh Pillowcases..go here for the blog and the instructions are on the right side under On the Edge Tutorials..and then go here and see a bunch of examples.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
New Stash...
I just love getting new stash,,whether it is coming from the postman or me buying it in the store,,and I have to tell you my fingers have been clicking away,,I am waiting on 2 more orders to come from the postman,,here is my latest stash enhancement,,I see some more bracelets being made and another tote,,and of course more stitching projects in the furture,,I had to order Primitive Needle patterns as a tribute to Lisa,,and I know when they are gone there wont be any more,,so here is to all your stash enhancements this week,,have fun and keep those fingers moving.
huggs and stitches,
Saturday, March 5, 2011
I am in Love...
Also my hubby and I went and saw The Kings Speech last night and oh my I loved the movie,,I highly recommend it if you like any kind of history..
I saw these on Etsy and on Ebay,,they sell from 40 dollars to over 250 dollars,,and I just am not made of money. So I found a video on line of how to make them and went to took about 2.5 hours and I have a wrap bracelet done and on my wrist and loving it this is a three wrap bracelet...I will be making more of these...the designs are what are you working on today...

I saw these on Etsy and on Ebay,,they sell from 40 dollars to over 250 dollars,,and I just am not made of money. So I found a video on line of how to make them and went to took about 2.5 hours and I have a wrap bracelet done and on my wrist and loving it this is a three wrap bracelet...I will be making more of these...the designs are what are you working on today...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
New Scissor Fobs..
I just got done listing these 2 cuties in my Etsy Shop,,I really had fun making these 2,,I think are are adorable,,yes..thanks for looking and stopping by my little ole blog..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
New Project Totes/Envelopes listed in shop..
Good Morning,,
I just got done listing these 4 pretty project totes/envelopes in my Etsy shop,,I really like this last batch of them,,,I am hoping to make up some stitch markers and scissor fobs this week is a tease picture of them..

I just got done listing these 4 pretty project totes/envelopes in my Etsy shop,,I really like this last batch of them,,,I am hoping to make up some stitch markers and scissor fobs this week is a tease picture of them..
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