Well as the 2010 year comes to a end..I reflect on my accomplishments and to say the least I did finish quit a few projects but one project I am hoping I will do alot better in the coming year is to read more books,,I only finished 19 books this past year and that is a sad number as I have many many more that I want to read..I told myself I was not going to make a New Years Resolution list this year but if I was it would have on it to read more books then the year before...so to start off the reading list I am reading one of my favorite authors Susan Carroll, and I am planning on reading alot more of her books during the year to..so here is my current read,,and the

From Brittany’s misty shores to the decadent splendor of Paris’s royal court, one woman must fulfill her destiny–while facing the treacherous designs of Catherine de Medici, the dark queen.She is Ariane, the Lady of Faire Isle, one of the Cheney sisters, renowned for their mystical skills and for keeping the isle secure and prosperous. But this is a time when women of ability are deemed sorceresses, when Renaissance France is torn by ruthless political intrigues, and all are held in thrall to the sinister ambitions of Queen Catherine de Medici. Then a wounded stranger arrives on Faire Isle, bearing a secret the Dark Queen will do everything in her power to possess. The only person Ariane can turn to is the comte de Renard, a nobleman with fiery determination and a past as mysterious as his own unusual gifts.Riveting, vibrant, and breathtaking, The Dark Queen follows Ariane and Renard as they risk everything to prevent the fulfillment of a dreadful prophecy–even if they must tempt fate and their own passions.