It is past my bedtime,,,
It is 1135pm and here I am typing a post on my blog,,,I should be in bed as I have to get up at 630am for work,,,oh well I had to finished reading my book,,,and I know I am not the only one that stays up late to do that now am I???I just finished reading Vision in White by Nora Roberts and let me tell you that was the sweetest quirkiest love stories I have read in a long time,,it was just a really cute and funny love story and I had the best time reading it. I highly recommend reading it and it is a trilogy and the next installment is due out this coming December and I cant wait...I love Nora Roberts writing and have not read anything I didnt or would'nt recommend reading of her's...
Up next on the reading is Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier this one comes highly recommended by my manager at work,,and a guy customer to..here is the synopis
With these words, the reader is ushered into an isolated gray stone mansion on the windswept Cornish coast, as the second Mrs. Maxim de Winter recalls the chilling events that transpired as she began her new life as the young bride of a husband she barely knew. For in every corner of every room were phantoms of a time dead but not forgotten—a past devotedly preserved by the sinister housekeeper, Mrs. Danvers: a suite immaculate and untouched, clothing laid out and ready to be worn, but not by any of the great house's current occupants. With an eerie presentiment of evil tightening her heart, the second Mrs. de Winter walked in the shadow of her mysterious predecessor, determined to uncover the darkest secrets and shattering truths about Maxim's first wife—the late and hauntingly beautiful Rebecca.
I will be reviewing this one to when I have finished with it,,also if any of you have read it and would leave a comment that would make my day,,,
There has been some stitching going on, I just haven't taken any picutres of it so that will be up next on my list..till then keep those pages turning and the needles flying have a wonder day..