Hope you all had a wonderful weekend,,,I did..I just love football season. It means I can sit for hours and work on my stitching,crocheting or sewing...and not fell guilty..I have picked back up my stitching and crocheting and you know what it fells wonderful, awesome, delightful..it is so good to be working on my crafty stuff again..and I have been reading like crazy to...I have read 2 books and almost done with the 3rd one in just a couple of weeks,,,It is going to be a nice quiet week here for us,,with our boys back in
AZ and
TX it will just be the 4 of us,,which is ok with me,,but I am really looking forward to Christmas this year,,
don't know why but I am really getting into the spirit of things,,it might be because it is all starting early this year,,but I just feel in the Spirit of Christmas,,now if Florida will just get with the program and knock off this warm weather and give us some cold weather that would be the icing on the cake,,and yes I played Christmas Music today,,
in fact I would have my tree up already but I think a 19 year old
would throw a fit..oh well
Friday will come soon enough...well now here is
the proof that I have been up to crafty goodness...I hope you all have a blessed week,,and get
alot of crafty goodness done before
Thursday...till next time

A couple sets of Bibs I crochet around the edges they will be going into my
Etsy Shop.

Brought out Betsy,,still love working on her,,,

And I
couldnt go without throwing a couple of one of my sweet looking grandson Max in here,,they dressed up at his
