I dont have to go anywhere or do anything this weekend so that makes me happy,,,I am hoping to pick up some stitching and work on it,,if not it will be football and reading all weekend long,,,I finished Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers oh my I could not put the book down..It is such a wonderful story that will make you laugh and cry,,so far I think it is my favorite read this up next on the reading table is another one I have had for a while but now it just seems like I am in the mood to read it..I am one of those people that I have to be in the mood to read a certain kind of book whether it be fiction,romance,historical,or whatever,,it is Roses by Leila Meacham,,and I have to tell you the cover sold me,,I am one of those people that will buy a book for the cover and this one did it..see for yourself..well that is all that is happening here hope you all have a wonderful weekend,till next time..

Spanning the 20th century, the story of Roses takes place in a small East Texas town against the backdrop of the powerful timber and cotton industries, industries controlled by the scions of the town's founding families. Cotton tycoon Mary Toliver and timber magnate Percy Warwick should have married but unwisely did not, and now must deal with the deceit, secrets, and tragedies of their choice and the loss of what might have been--not just for themselves but for their children, and children's children. With expert, unabashed, big-canvas storytelling, Roses covers a hundred years, three generations of Texans and the explosive combination of passion for work and longing for love.
Spanning the 20th century, the story of Roses takes place in a small East Texas town against the backdrop of the powerful timber and cotton industries, industries controlled by the scions of the town's founding families. Cotton tycoon Mary Toliver and timber magnate Percy Warwick should have married but unwisely did not, and now must deal with the deceit, secrets, and tragedies of their choice and the loss of what might have been--not just for themselves but for their children, and children's children. With expert, unabashed, big-canvas storytelling, Roses covers a hundred years, three generations of Texans and the explosive combination of passion for work and longing for love.