Hello blog friends and family,
Toby and I just wanted to wish all our friends out there a very happy and blessed new year..I am like Rebecca and dont like doing resolutions as I never stick to them, but I will make a list of things I would like to accomplish this new year and see how far I get..So here it goes..
1. Get in better shape, go to the gym at least 4 times a week.
2. Get a handler on our finances, shop at thrift stores more.
3. Read more books off of my bookshelve, and not buy so many.
4. Finish at least 5 already started projects, and not start so many.
5. Have at least one day a week for just me, this is a must.
6. Cook more healthy meals, as my family would say at least cook a meal.
7. Plant some trees and flowers, mostly flowers and some lemon trees.
well that is it for now not to bad..how about you all what are you list like? Till next year have a great night..